
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

horse break

It's spring break at our place, but as there's snow on the ground... again... I hesitate to call it that. Besides around here it's essentially Horselandia- so we're officially on "horse break". What that means is that my daughter has hours and days to play with her growing collection of horses and invite all of her equally horse crazy friends over for an equestrian fest. Making stuff is the best part. Wire, leather, felt, ribbons...  and lots of duct tape are all out as bridles and saddles are constructed morning, noon and night.
As a mom, I couldn't be happier! I'm still finding my way around all of this horse business, but what I've discovered is that it's wholesome, powerful and imaginative play that promotes cooperation and community with her friends. It's the perfect extension to my daughter's favorite part of the week- riding lessons.
 When they are not inside crafting and playing... they're out back trotting and galloping. Go girls!


  1. If you daughter loves horse crafts check out the life size horse sculptures by artist Deborah Butterfield. She makes life size horses out of sticks, branches, & mud & clay. They are amazing, so life like yet so natural.

    1. We just spent some time looking through her gallery. So amazing! Thank you so much for pointing us in her direction!

  2. Oh my goodness Maya – you've just described my daughter to a T! And that second photo? Yup. That's exactly what our art table looks like all the time! :) I love it!

  3. Absolutely fantastic!!!!! Love it. I was (and still am actually!) horse crazy as a child, too. Would have loved participate.

  4. This post warmed my heart, Maya! Thank you so much for sharing! It makes me think of my own childhood and comforts my inner child. Warm hug to you!
