
Friday, January 3, 2014


Northeastern winters in the countryside are nothing short of spectacular. I remind myself of this each time I pick up the snow shovel, tromp out for wood, or navigate treacherous roads.  This is how all of life is, isn't it? If one season's adjectives could represent life most, I think winter fits the bill. Beautiful, magical and mysterious... and challenging, arduous and necessitating focus on the road ahead. 
We've had over a foot fall since last night, but this was yesterday...

I'm sure 2014 will be filled with its share of "storms", but I have high hopes that they will be milder than the last few years have been. I am flinging open the doors and welcoming in this new year with anticipation for more love, beauty and magic to balance the scales. And I believe it's already begun...

And on that note, I've chosen two words to guide me this year... one wasn't enough! Magic and balance. And the interplay between them... the magical balancing of life! Here's to all of us finding our footing in this wintery magical world!

Do you have a word (or two!) that you chosen for 2014?


  1. I choose REST. Whether that be inside of me or outside of me, who knows. Pictures are beautiful and so is the short video. We(mostly my dog) love to see the deer walking through our yard. The snow makes it a lot easier to see them :) We enjoyed a walk around the block in the snowy roads to day, so very beautiful! Have a beautiful day!

  2. I choose laugh more, I have become so serious the last few years. Laughing is healthy. Thank you for the video - when I live in PA we had deer around us all the time and I miss them.

    1. What a wonderful reminder... yes to more laughter!

  3. Ooo ... I love your words! Mystery is a strong guiding principle in the coming year ... but the word I settled upon (because it is so NOT me) is Desire. I love what David Whyte asks: "How would your days be different if you lived a life of desire?" On this cold January day, desire is reaching for the homemade hot cocoa ... not settling for less ... which is too often my default button. Can't wait to see how your year unfolds! xo

    1. Oh Lis- I can't wait to see how DESIRE guides you this year.xox

  4. I actually wrote a post on my word for 2014! You can read it here if you like: We're in summer at the moment, and it's brilliant to see all that beautiful snow! We don't get snow like that here, even in winter. My first proper snow was when I lived in London a few years ago and I thought it was just amazing. Everything gets softer and brighter - and it doesn't matter that you're so cold because it's so pretty! A very Happy New Year to you! xx

  5. Your winters are so beautiful. I want to live there one day. I will get there slowly. And that is my word for the year, SLOW. Just go slowly, breath slowly, eat slowly, think slowly.

    1. I could use a little of your SLOW. I think my life has speeded up so much in the last few years... adding more time to breathe is always a good thing.

  6. Happy New Year. My wish for you in this & all coming years is peace and joy.

  7. My word for this year is 'appreciate'. My goal is to be more present, less focused on 'stuff' and my to-do list. My kids are growing up in a blink, my husband works harder than I often give him credit for. Yes, this is the year to change focus to the people in my life and appreciate my blessings all day long, not just in my prayers at night.

    1. What if we all lived with such gratitude in our every day rhythms... such a good way to refocus Karen.

  8. I think my word would be streamline, to help me focus and organize various parts of my life - spiritual, creative, family, work, etc. I have been thinking on these things for a while and this may be the year that change and clarity takes place.

    We have had a snowy winter so far - here in St. Louis we are bracing for a foot of snow tonight - that has not happened in quite a few years. Stay warm!

    1. Not my word for this year and yet I feel like I'm incorporating it into everything around me. Good for you Sonrie! I wish you deep streamlining in all areas.

  9. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing the wonderful wintry scenes you stumbled upon :)

  10. Breath taking and mythical .A superb environmental space for creativity to be explored and nurtured.
