
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I know we're not shivering alone in this arctic weather. I wish you cozy thoughts if you're in the midst of the cold snap with us... and if you're somewhere warm (hello little sister in Hawaii!) please send some of your heat our way. At least, today's light is gorgeous. I also realized how much I appreciate the January sparseness  clearing that comes from putting away the decorations and not having a tree in the middle of the room. Don't get me wrong, I love both ways. But I'm really working on streamlining my life and home this year. When I walked downstairs this morning the simplicity and winter sunlight dazzled me equally. Feeling peaceful and inspired these days (no matter how cold it is). How are you?


  1. Also enjoying the clearing here. There is plenty more to be done, but I'm feeling very inspired this year, which has me feeling most thankful. Simple, clean spaces. Yes, please.

  2. Hello Maya,
    I have done some clearing after Christmas, nooks and corners that seem to fill up automatically with... you know, stuff. Yes, it feels good and looks much better this way ;-)
    As for the weather, we could send some warmth to you if that'd be possible. For today, the weather forecast here in Germany predicts up to 15 °C. Above zero. As a daily commuter, I could do without the snow, but it rather feels like spring here (birds are beginning to sing again, and by soon the plants might think it's time to grow...)
    You guys keep safe and warm!

    1. We've had early springs here and they are always a bit disconcerting, but this winter has been a doozy so far! Thanks for the warm wishes!

  3. Dreary days in Austin and it's been COLD for us...20s at night. Now we're warming up and will be 70 by the weekend. The landscape out back is stark and brown, but by April will be a profusion of colorful wildflowers. Many inside projects and ongoing Scrabble games right now.

    Happy Winter!

  4. What a wonderful living room atmosphere and light.
    I love the branches in the green vases.
    We have already spring - much to early in the year. The winter has failed here this year.

    Greets, Katja
