
Monday, December 9, 2013

December Days

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! 
Little corners of our home... both in and out... are starting to feel merrier.
I prefer to keep things simple, natural and easy. 
 Traditions like our count down calendar (see here, here and here) are a familiar framework to our December days. They are filled with little notes that lead to treats or activities. Everything is kept low-key, sweet and predictable. My children prefer it this way... and so do I.
 This makes us all very...
Our winter book collection, hot cocoa with candy cane stirrers, cutting snowflakes, Christmas tree hunting, and all of our annual favorites can be found waiting behind those little doors each day!
We always love adding a few new traditions to the mix. What are your tried and true December favorites? We'd love to hear!


  1. I love piling up the gifts to be wrapped in front of the TV and having a marathon of silly, old Christmas movies. It made my giant pile FLY by last night.

    I also love the treat of hot cocoa and a ride around town looking at lights.

    I'm sure this next one would be better if I home made them, but somehow, the tradition is sweeter for the quickness of store bought: Pillsbury cinnamon and orange rolls on Christmas Eve. And orange juice. Those are things that NEVER appeared in my house as a kid unless it was Christmas Eve.

    1. I love the idea of watching a Christmas movie while I wrap! This year I'll have my mom with me so that will make it extra nice. We do it on Christmas Eve... we like to think of it as tradition rather than procrastination! Those special treats from our own childhood are so fun to share... like your pillsbury rolls!

  2. I love pilling evergreen boughs on our mantles here in Brooklyn, and making our house smell like the woods in Michigan for the month...

    1. The following comment is for you... kind of obvious- but just in case.

  3. You choose your words as beautifully as you stitch your threads! We've got to have you two up here this winter. ok?!

  4. I bake Christmas cookies through December, I usually make 4 kinds.
    Then a weekend in December I make chocolate with marcipan with my aunt. We have been doing it for the last 4 years. 23th of December we take the Christmas tree inside and decorate it while listning to Christmas music and eat the chocolat with marcipan we made earlier.
    Cozy cozy:)

  5. I get up early every morning, put on a Jane Austen, and knit. Love it!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love how your grapevine wreath hints at being a peace sign!

  8. I'm stealing your wreath idea. It is simply beautiful!

  9. Our children are all grown up now, but we still hang a lit star on the barn by the county road. It's one of my favorite parts of Christmas. Love your cozy home with all the trims.
