
Monday, April 16, 2012

sweet girls

It was a girls' weekend all the way! My daughter had her first sleepover with her best friend on Friday night. Total success! She and I had a sleep over with this lovely lady on Saturday. Total fun!
You'll have to see what she came to shoot next month, but isn't Thea adorable perched on that stool behind my mom's barn? Nothing like late night giggles with a girlfriend... whether you're little or all grown up!
And yesterday... we met our future chickens and spent the afternoon with them. Craigslist is an amazing thing, no? A few weeks back, while perusing the farm and garden section, I stumbled upon a woman selling her flock of newly laying hens. Turned out she lived only 1 1/2 miles away. On my exact road! With two girls just my children's age! Oh my! We made quick plans for moving the hens down the road once their new abode was freshened up. In the mean time, one of the chickens went broody and has been sitting on a duck egg... a long story that we all hope ends with a happy duckling. While we wait,  it was high time to meet these new friends (the chickens and the neighbors... and a few ducks and rabbits to boot!). The little girls became instant buddies. Oh how rare to have a friend in the country that is only a walk away! Wahoo! And we both fell in love with a mellow little hen named Sweetheart. My daughter asked if she could rename her Sweetie and have it be her very own hen. Oh yes... we can't wait for Sweetie and the gang to join us.
Meet Sweetie


  1. Good morning!
    What fun you have been having!!!
    Your hens look lovely. Funny the first thing I thought about when I saw the last photo was how you incorporate those gorgeous feathers into some kind of art if she happens to leave a few around the hen house! ;o)
    Always thinkin',
    ~ joey ~

  2. Sounds like a great weekend filled with special girl-time... including those hens! :)

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  4. Here's to good times for all the 'chicks' ;D
