
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

upcoming workshops!

I'm very excited to share my first big announcement of the year. I will be teaching three classes at the Squam Art Workshops in June! I first heard about Squam last September, when Grace of design*sponge reported about her incredible experience, here. It sounded phenomenal, and I couldn't wait to find out what classes would be offered in '09. You never know what's right around the corner! I have to keep reminding myself of that. Because of it's initial success, Squam expanded their annual workshops this year to include a second session in June, based primarily on textiles. Yipeeee! I am absolutey thrilled to be teaching two half day classes on working with burlap and one all day workshop focused on fabric printing with nature-based stencils... created by the participants. I've been so immersed in both these mediums for the last year and can't wait to share what I've learned in such a fantastic setting. If you live anywere near New Hampshire, or would like to visit in June (I have family nearby and know from experience that this is a stunning location and the perfect time of year), please give this some serious thought. The line-up of inspiring classes is breathtaking and the list of dynamic teachers is thrilling, I mean thrilling. I will be teaching along side some of my heroes, so I am trying to remain elated and not go down that road of intimidation. No easy task, but the amount of enthusiasm and confidence I have for my workshops is keeping me grounded... and giddy. Simultaneously! Here are some direct links to more info:


  1. How exciting Maya! I wish I could come along.

  2. wow!!! i am so proud of you and happy for you too! sounds like an incredible experience---how gorgeous the location is--wow--now i will really seriously consider registering! hooray!!!

  3. Congratulations Maya! You can do it! I would love to go Squam. Not sure yet how I can make it work though. Summer months are blocked out for vacation pretty much in pharmacy land. hmmmmmmm

  4. Congratulations! you realy deserve them. From what I ca read on your blog, I think you are already a great teacher. You have a gift to explain things and tell the stories.

  5. Maya, I have never commented on here before but I have followed your blog for more than a few months now and totally love and am hooked on your blog and the things you make. but I have a question, did you take photography classes or have a proffesional camera because I am in love with your photos! I hope your had a wonderful new year and look forward to reading your posts!


  6. I wish I was closer.... ;(

  7. Congratulations! That does sound exciting. I would love to come if I was anywhere near there. Good luck - I am sure you will be a wonderful teacher.

  8. Wow, Maya I stumbled onto your blog today and it is stunning. You seem like a very caring, sharing, devoted person! Im loving all your great hints and things to do with the kids. Thanks so much for sharing...Leah

  9. wow-- you got ME all excited about Squam-- hee

    you are going to be fabulous and I am so thrilled you will be teaching!!

    bisous, Elizabeth

  10. there are no words for how much I would love to come to one of your classes...such a gift to be taught by you! I can't believe how many amazing things are coming your way...actually I can...xoxo t

  11. Thank you friends!
    Liana, Your photography questions made me so happy! I love to take pictures and try to do my best, but I'm self taught and have a point and shoot! I do love my camera, but would love to upgrade someday. I use a 7.2 Sony cybershot. I have learned that you must take many pictures to have just one you want to post. I also process them with Picnik when I'm not satisfied with them. Hope that helps!

  12. Woohoo! Congratulations! And ~ I'm coming! I'm actually a Winnipesaukee girl, so it's not too far a drive. I just have to go to NH a month early. So maybe it's a big deal, actually. But I don't want to miss it. This looks so fun. What a lineup. Crazy to end up meeting on the East Coast, after all.
