
Monday, January 12, 2009

barn sewin'

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Ours was filled with more snow, but a little sun peeked out, so off I ran to the barn. My mother plumbed the upstairs for an eventual bathroom, with dreams of a claw foot tub in the open studio/ bedroom of the barn. We are still looking at this space as a work in progress. During her winter visit, we realized that just because she can't install the bathroom yet, doesn't mean that the designated corner can't be put to good use. Over night my mother worked her magic, and I'd love to share her new, if not temporary, sewing nook.

It's flooded with natural light and shares a wall with the bedroom portion of the studio... remember that great cast iron bed? Her sewing machine is the same one she's had since I was little. The same one she sewed all of my beautiful little hippie clothes on. The very same one she taught me to sew on. The same one my sister kidnapped to her room in high school and taught herself how to sew on! Don't you wish sewing machines could talk? Oh the stories, they could tell!

Well, my mother was snowed in and had to make do with what she had on hand. Her favorite challenge. How did she construct her perfect sewing table? With an antique ironing board and a Hoosier enamel counter top, of course.

She had an extra one or two in her shed... you never know when they'll come in handy! She still has an ironing board to spare for projects, but doesn't it make a wonderful display?

Do you remember that she collects... imagine the stash of vintage notions she must have!

How many patterns from the 3o's and 40's does one need? That old, metal pool locker might need a couple more, don't you think? The little sewing machine in the window was my Abuelita's (my mother's mother-in-law) and sits on top of its original wooden box. It still works!

How about a life time supply of thread?!

And don't forget needles! The little packets on the original green display are vintage Japanese needles... the tin is filled with every size imaginable.

Pincushions with history...

This was really fun... I'll be back tomorrow with a glimpse at how my mother is storing some of her fabric. Welcome to a new week!


  1. Wonderful lighting indeed! I too love the ironing board display.

    Did you save any of your hippie clothes?

  2. WOW what a stash....Love to run my fingers trough all of it. Great job.

  3. oh my goodness Maya, I almost fainted !!! LOL My mom is absolutely talented & holds several gorgeous collections, wow ! How much I'd love to visit for real this room, it's so full of wonderful things to see & touch ... I love love love these display towers & racks, and the wire baskets ... mmm .... that's really inspiring, you know. But that must be hereditary in your family ... *Ü*
    Have a fab start to the new week ! xoxo

  4. Hi,
    What a wonderful collection of vintage sewing items, i myself collect vintage buttons, and i sell buttons anf vintage sewing items at

  5. its such beautiful light, and a lovely glimpse at a great craft space and wonderful stash of materials.

    and I love that its the same sewing machine that she had when you were little, that you learned on and its still going strong.

  6. This is like an Aladdin's cave. What a great eye your mum must have, I love these photos and all those gorgeous vintage treasures.

  7. I am so loving your mom. It looks as though she was playing in my stuff!

    The sewing machine I use is an old Singer in a vintage cabinet just like the one I learned on. My mom gave me a newer "old" one a few years ago...old for her that has digital stuff on it and intimidates me. So that one sits with a serger on a shelf in storage. There was also a very old sewing machine left in this house in a great old sewing table. Why am I rambling on? (other than I am up way too early) I guess because I have an attatchment to the sewing machine just like the first one I ever knew and had if for close to 20 years...and yes I wish it could tell me who it made hippy clothes for and "sew" much more.

  8. If sewing machine could talk that one would say , nay Maya, why did you go and put these fantastic pictures of collections of marvelous things up today to temp Margie into wanting to cancel her work week and head down to visit you and the barn. Forget the mounds of snow she would have to travel through it would be worth it to get a personal look at all those collections of some of her favorite things, vintage haberdashy.

  9. wow this is an amazing collection!!! Your mum must be amazing too!!! how wonderful

  10. some wnderful collections there, and great use of storage and display items! really fun and inspiring!

  11. That was a fabulous post! Your mother and you are so creative! Love how you organized things. :)


  12. Best sewing nook ever! I love all the natural light, and all her clever storage. Not a boring bin in sight- looks great!

  13. Oh my word. That's quite the vintage stash! It must be so fun to create with those things.

  14. The spools and spools and spools of delicious ribbon. Oh my!

  15. An awesome collection indeed. And a pretty space to display... I mean, use, it in!

  16. Oh my gosh. I knew that I liked you, and then I saw this post and like you even more. What a wondeful nook and all your goodies make me want to go sew RIGHT NOW! Cheers!

  17. maya, i *love* your barn. i also love your mom - the spirit that she brings to a space is wonderful! i could live in your barn, quite happily i am certain~
    (by the way, *love love love* my knitting tote you made - the organic cotton is just dreamy! it sits by my bed filled with needles and hooks and my current projects. thank you once again)

  18. More barn magic!! Thank you glorious winter sun for shining your light on this lovely sewing nook and all of its treasures. Margie is right that you should not tempt us to jump in our cars and head right over to the barn! Or to spend hours poring over every image to drink in every last detail of the amazing items that your mom has collected and lovingly saved. This little corner has everything you need to create a sewing museum!

    Thank you for sharing your mom's collections and giving us all a beautiful, inspiring start to our week!

  19. amazing an amazing place...can i move in? :)

  20. That room must smell amazing! I know that just sounded a bit weird, but I'm a really scentsy-type person. I especially love the smell of almost anything vintage (people are the exception) and books/textiles.

    The smells in that room would immediately convey a feeling of love and warmth. It would bring visions to mind of loving hands crafting warm mittens for grandbabies, scarves and blankets for friends and family. It must bring her so much joy to sit in that room!

  21. What a lovely and inspiring place! Can we trade?

  22. Beautiful post!
    I just adore the old tins and patterns!

    Please, show us the hippie clothes that your mother had made to you!

  23. What a wonderful space! I love all the vintage wire storage bins--just looking at all the supplies is inspiring. --Vicki K.

  24. Just two things...:
    1-I have the same Happy Home needles set!
    2-I want to see pictures of you and your hippie clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Wow, the wire baskets brimming with treasures... All the color and texture are just so fantastic!
    All of this and a barn to boot could just about do this girl in!!!

  26. Lovely!
    I love how it is organized with such style. With an environment like that it wouldn't be difficult to find inspiration.

  27. Wonderful! The room and everything in it looks like it has been in a time capsule for many decades. I could watch the photos for hours.

  28. Wow! Can I come over and play? It looks like a little girls wonderland! Love the pics, too!

  29. That's just delicious :-) What a wonderful collection of goodies, and how cleverly they are stored. You couldn't fail to be inspired when you started to sew there.

    I love the sewing machine memories. I'm starting to learn to sew this year, and I hope my machine will have some wonderful memories in years to come :-)

  30. ack! this is so, so good. what i would do to poke around in that little nook!

  31. oh wow, it is just wonderful. i'd also love to explore and look in every nook and crannie.

  32. Just too perfect. You have no idea how much I love that barn home. Thanks for sharing the updates. jan

  33. What an incredible, inspiring space! I want to swim through the endless array of beautiful thread. I love the creative repurposing of the sewing table, and I can't believe your grandmother's antique sewing machine still works!!

    Thank you for sharing such creativity!

  34. Wow, it's GORGEOUS! So pretty...I love all the collections and vignettes!

  35. Great studio sewing nook. I have the very same red/white polka dot oilcloth in my kitchen drawers. I love the oilcloth under my sewing machine too.

    Looking forward to more.

  36. What a great place!!! Your mom isn't looking to adopt? No, okay. I will just enjoy from afar.

  37. oh my's a dream. I almost wish I sewed just so I could have a space like this one...actually, even without the sewing I want a space like this. xo t

  38. can i come over? :) This place is great!

  39. Did I read that correctly... your mother did the plumbing ready for a bathroom?! I'm not sure which I find more impressive: the plumbing or the amazing collection of beautiful things!

  40. It is really a lovely, lovely room with so many interesting treasures! I could in there for hours!

  41. what a wonderful room. filled with many beautiful things.

  42. is veeerrry CUTE!!!too adorable for words actually. What a truly inspirational workspace to be creative in...I love the newspaper bunting lining the armoire shelves and of course the polka dots....and the grandmothwer bunny is such a treasure...cant wait to show my girls!

  43. Every single shot is absolutely gorgeous. I'm sooo jealous of that barn.

  44. Maya, Read about your blog today in the newest Artful Blogging!! Love your mother's little sewing nook and all her collections....just the kind of thing I love hunting and gathering myself. I'll return to read more!!! Thanks, Pat

  45. HOI MAYA,



  46. I have a little red chair just like the one in the photo. I ate many a meal sitting it at my grandmother's house. It brings back many fond memories when I look at it. Your mother is very talented.
