
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

snow news is good news!

A flurry of newspaper snowflakes has arrived at my house! I've been snipping for over a week, as I ready myself for my next window installation over at Mama Goose. My theme of winter in the woods with recycled materials is shaping up nicely. I foresee two or three tutorials emerging from this project. I may be a little scarce around here for the next couple of days as I focus on preparing my materials.

I wanted to create vertical garlands... almost mobiles... of newspaper snowflakes. These photos show my first attempt at machine sewing a delicate thread through their centers. I think it's effective and can't wait to get it just right. I have a long and deep relationship with paper snowflakes and am looking forward to sharing my tips and stories in my tutorial. Until then, The Crafty Crow's Book and Activity Advent began yesterday, and the first book lends itself perfectly to this post... Snowflake Bentley. Check out her instructions for how to fold a six sided snowflake if you'd like to give one a try today. I'll be back soon with tips and instructions for making garlands and working with newspaper. Hope you have a beautiful day!


  1. You manage to make newspaper look so pretty and elegant. You rock.

  2. Oooh these snowflakes are amazingly beautiful ! What a brilliant, eco-friendly idea ! Everything I love ! You're being so creative ! Did you manage to machine-sew through the newspaper ! wow !
    Have a great day ! :)

  3. I love snowflakes and it is something I have made with my children for many many years. Oops, maybe take off one many. I love your idea of using newspaper , magazine pages could also work quite well especially some of those over priced thicker paged ones. They would be easier to sew I imagine but I have sewn tissue paper flowers together to a garland so I guess newspaper would be that hard.
    I can't wait to see winter in the forest a la Maya .
    Will there be any snails in igloos or frozen ferns :)

  4. So beautiful! Can't wait for your tips and instructions! Francesca

  5. How lovely and festive! You inspire me Maya~

  6. We just read Snowflake Bentley yesterday, and your gorgeous snowflakes and the shadows they cast on the wall remind me of how Bentley captured the fragile, fleeting beauty of something that everybody else around him took for granted. The story--and your fine cutting that made those shadows--perfectly evoke that sense of wonder and discovery when you really focus on the details of nature. Now I'm off for a good cry.

  7. Ohhhh...I love the wonderful shadows your snowflakes make!

  8. I have to agree with the comments above - I love the snowflake shadows. Oh, and the pretty snowflakes, too! It's great that you made them out of recycled newspaper.

  9. Wow...stitching through newspaper without tearing it?! I'm in awe of you, really! They look fabulous - and I love the shadows dancing on the wall. Mmmm.

  10. i love how they cast a shadow on the wall. Ill have to do this i wanted to make the 3d snowflakes i wonder if newspaper would be sturdy enough. Thanks for the idea!

  11. Brilliant idea to sew them together into garland. I love paper snowflakes too.


  12. There's no snowflake like a six-sided snowflake!

  13. Oh these are so delicate and graceful! Just lovely. I look forward to seeing your window display. :~)

  14. oh wow! i love these! can't wait to see more.

  15. Lovely snowflakes. Wonderful idea. Today is Blog Comment Day. I have been following your blog, but never posted a comment. Nice blog and photos are great.
    Hope you have a perfect day

  16. these are wonderful
    i was just thinking today I wanted to make some garlands from newspaper--will let you know you inspiring lady you!

  17. Machine sewing the thread, very clever. And yes, we all want to see the Mama Goose display when it's done. I laughed, Margie Oomen, at the thought of snails in igloos and frozen ferns.
    Snowflake Bentley is one of my favorite children's books, and one of my favorite books on the beauty and miracles of nature.

  18. That is so funny! I was just doing this EXACT project this weekend in order to decorate my tiny apartment. My source for paper has been the West Elm catalog since the pages are full of silvers, blues, and whites and they look super pretty!

  19. Snowflakes and shadows... so very pretty. A very calming effect. I can't wait to hear more about these!

  20. I love the snowflakes, I love the shadows, but I especially love the title of your post. Perfect!
