
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ringing in the new year

Shhh! I'm supposed to be on a bit of a blogging break, but I had to drop in to wish you a Happy New Year! If you're looking for a fun activity to do while you count down the hours until midnight, don't forget about Cascarones! You probably have everything on hand to make these fantastic confetti eggs. Click here for their post with links to the instructions.

See you in 2009!


  1. thanks for popping by my dear...I said it before...I missed you...good to have a dose of sweet Maya...xo t

  2. Hi Maya !
    Thanks for popping here during your blog break ! I hope you're all happy & enjoying the season. Thanks for reminding us this adorable craft of yours, I'll have to give it a try next year in our new place.
    Have a safe end of 2008 & a safe & happy start of 2009 ! May 2009 be healthy, happy & crafty 2009 !! xoxoxo

  3. Happy New Year my new friend of 2008. I just know 2009 will be very exciting for both of us and wish you and your family happiness, laughter and good health.

  4. All the best for 2009, Maya. Thanks for all your inspiring posts in 2008.

  5. I love it! I have to admit that I haven't heard of tin them, what a great idea!
    I want to wish you and your family the best in 2009. I just recently found your blog, and I enjoy it very much, you're so creative! Thank you for all of your hard work!

  6. They look like fun! Wish I had looked last night. Happy New Year!

  7. thanks for popping in. i wish you all the best for the new year and i love the eggs!

  8. Hope your new year celebration was wonderful! May you and your family have a blessed, joyous 2009.

  9. Shoot. I wish I had seen this post while I was visiting my granddaughter. Oh well, next year.

  10. We made them! And the girls loved them. But the grownups...? Come on! They all wanted to break one!
