
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

gathering pieces... gathering peace

I've been feeling like the hurried squirrels out back. They're all scrambling to get everything done for the long winter ahead. I am all too aware of the countdown to the three holidays that we celebrate (Solstice, Chanukah, and Christmas). I feel like I'm doing the same scrambling to get everything done. There is much making ahead of me and my head (and my notebook) is filled with lists. It's so easy to get overwhelmed at this time of year, but I had a little gift yesterday. The weather has been strangely warm, and I took advantage of the melting snow to go foraging for natural bits and pieces to top all of the presents I'm readying for teachers (eleven total!) As I was out collecting, I had a chance to listen to the stillness and breathe in the freshness of the crisp air. How long had it been since I had been outside... not to gather firewood, not to take out the compost, not to pull a sled... just time to be outside in the quiet. I had run outside, a bit frantic... I returned rejuvenated and relaxed. What a good reminder! If the crazy pace of this time of year is making your head spin, don't forget what a wonderful walk outside can do for your spirit. Is there a special place in nature that you can visit? How do you find some sense of calm during this time of year?

These pinecones and berries will be part of my gift wrapping... see this post. Today Bella Dia announced that she has updated her amazing list of gift tags for downloading. What a perfect resource for right now!

It's easy to find the joy in the holidays... hope you are all finding some peace, as well.


  1. Oh Maya, how much I hear you here ! Snow makes everything so quiet & so peaceful, and a walk outside can do much better than any therapy ! Glad you had the opportunity to enjoy one ! :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by & reading my lttle Christmas tale, wasn't it absolutely amazing ?! *Ü*
    The pieces of Nature you gathered are so beautiful. Less is more, and I've learned it this past year, and I'm also so thankful I crossed your path. (to remind me the little things of life) You are an inspiration to me, really. Thanks again Maya.
    I hope you enjoy this holiday season to its fullest. Don't forget to stop & smell the fresh air ! :) xoxo

  2. What a beautiful post my happy you found some peace. I agree, taking a walk or run outside gives me some needed time to be along and be quiet. These lovely bits you found give me peace as well....what wonderful gifts yours will be to receive!

  3. As I told you, we have no snow here. I always say that I can feel holidays in the air, and it's literal..: it's so hot that everyone has their windows open so we can sense holiday rush and music and smells in the air!
    I don't have much nature here. But I tresure as much as I can.

  4. Yep - it's out of control...I'm just about to unplug & enjoy the sweet sunny kiss of mother nature.

    Lots of love.

  5. Maya, I hear you loud and clear...the planning the want to do more than humanly possible and the endless wonderful ideas. I go out and throw balls for the dogs and listen to the sound of their feet in the snow, watch the snow fly as if they were Santa's reindeer taking off. Their simple life gives me peace.

    As far as nature items...last year I did a "Christmas is for the birds" themed package for friends. She knew things were not going as planned for me and her gifts featured some amazing bird related items. So instead of shredded paper or recycled packaging I used all these tiny sections of pine bows as packing and put in a bird's nest to start off the gift I had to mail. (squirrels were actually dropping these pine pieces on my head...and the idea was born)

  6. Nature is my resting spot. I was so excited to see some fresh snow when I woke up this morning , I made sure I went out side extra early to sweep the porch, shovel the driveway and take some pictures on some of the beautiful natural plants peeking out of the snow. Such a wonderful way to start the day. What followed was a very busy 12 hour office. I am way behind with wrapping and baking but I know it will all get done eventually and I am so looking forward to my family all being under one roof again .

  7. reminder indeed. just yesterday i was sitting at my sewing machine feeling the overwhelming urge to get out and take a walk. while i didn't do it then, i did just do it tonight. bundled the kids up and walked through the neighborhood to look at everyone's lights. ah, it felt good. and now back to the sewing machine - have to finish up the one and only teacher gift this year. you continue to amaze me :) (and hey - did you see we were mentioned together again today over on babycenter/momformation?)

  8. Thank you for the reminder, Maya! In between the shopping, sewing, and tending to everyday life, those rejuvenating moments of peace are very hard to come by. I took an hour this morning and wrote a poem that has been percolating in my head for about a month. It just suddenly boiled over this morning, and it had to come out. Now I feel ready to tackle the rest of the Christmas (thankfully I only have one holiday to celebrate!!) to do list.

  9. Beautiful bits and pieces. A walk -- even if it's short -- is a vital part of every day for me. I call it my "therapy." And it is.
    Glad you got some therapy today too.


  10. Honestly my dear I am a bit shocked how similar we are...our posts said almost exactly the same nice to know someone sees eye to eye with me...makes me feel all warm and cosy...xo t

  11. My favourite place to walk at any time of year is my local beach, and that is where I have been strolling lately to put perspective back in life, along with the sewing that I have achieved lately things are actually quite calm here. Glad you get to enjoy the outdoors no matter the weather. Love the collection - I'm sure they were appreciated by the recipients.

  12. Thanks for the reminder Maya - I think that's exactly what I need. But it will be in the form of a jog. Since I run so slow it will be easy to take in the sunshine (finally) and the fresh air.
    Will be handing out my burlap wrapped amarylis and paperwhites next week. Really that's been my favorite handmade gift this year, so thanks for that too!
