
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

bucket give-away!!

Hope you're not tired of hearing about the burlap buckets...
You've all been so GOOD to me! I thought it was about time to send you a little appreciation, beyond just words. It's time for a GIVE-AWAY! Please leave a comment on this post if you'd like to receive this small burlap bucket made from mixed materials. It's lined with my favorite unbleached cotton... which has a rustic weave and linen characteristics. The handles are linen and the outer shell is a recycled coffee sack. You have until Friday at midnight EST. I'll use a random number generator to pick a winner, and will announce this weekend. A little surprise will be tucked inside.

I can't thank you enough for your great feedback and support as I figure out this new world of Etsy... wish I could send each of you a bucket filled with hugs! That may sound a little sappier than my usual style, but I really mean it!


  1. Your blog is seriously one of my favorites. I love looking at all the creative things you come up with! And I would love to have one of your burlap buckets. So enter me in the drawing, and I'll anxiously await the results of the random drawing. *please be me, please be me...*

  2. love it! thanks for offering the giveaway!!

  3. I'd love to be entered for a give away for such a wonderful bucket if you'd be prepared to post to the UK - if not feel free to miss me out :)

    I love it when practicality and beauty meet so well!

  4. Love your site and love the buckets!

  5. Your bags look fabulous. I can think of 1001 uses for one, so I really hope your random number generate finds me!

    Thanks for your blog. It is very inspiring and your photographs are soothing.


  6. ooooooh! How fun! I love your buckets! :)

  7. I absolutely love your blog! I am in love with these buckets...I must have one! :)

  8. I just found this great blog, and I would LOVE to be entered in the drawing.
    Sandra in MD

  9. count me in Maya. I was going to do a post to tease you a bit because I dug up 2 old feed sacks a friend gave my hubby years ago from his barn where he had hundreds. He also gave us a few old milk cans and people where trying to by them out of his truck on his way to give them to us!

  10. Those buckets are awesome! Boy, I would LOVE to have one!

    I came here via The Crafty Crow and I LOVE your blog!


  11. I have been loving your blog for a while now! I get such wonderful inspiration from you... Thanks so much for sharing your talents, Now if I could only find the time! Adorable bucket!

  12. Congratulations on your new shop! I've just recently found your blog and I love it! The coffee bags your using have me hooked, simple, functional and crazy cool! Love it!

  13. Love your blog! I would love one of your burlap bags, they are so beautiful. Count me in!

  14. LOL! I have been SO hoping you would end up giving one of these away! Each one that you have posted has grabbed my eye! I really love the ones that have some of the print on them from the burlap sacks! So cool!

  15. I love that bucket and I can think of about 1000 things that I would keep in it! Giveaways are so much fun!!!

    amarrano55 at gmail dot com

  16. I really like all of your creations, but especially love the burlap ones!

  17. I just found your blog and I love it!

    I live in Tompkins County, too :)

    And I love these buckets...

  18. These buckets are really cute and who can't use more organization?

  19. Oh, I just lovelovelove these! Thanks for the giveaway:)

  20. It's lovely! Please enter my name.

  21. Congratulations on your Etsy success! It's no wonder that the buckets are popular - they're fantastic!

  22. I keep coming back to your blog for it's simplicity. Your organization and creativity is inspiring. Thanks for the giveaway offer- great bags!!!!!

  23. I recently discovered your site and love all of your fun ideas! Your burlap bag creation is really neat and I'd love to have one of my own. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  24. Love how these are simple+functional!

  25. I love your blog and your burlap buckets! Thank you for the chance to win one.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  26. I am so glad your etsy venture has taken off (no surprise!) and I hope it continues to grow. I love your creations and all the care you put into them. I'd love to win this little basket!

  27. these are so cute. i could see some adorable scrap supplies tucked inside this cutie! love coming to your blog and checking out your crafty inspirations.

  28. I would love your adorable bucket! Your blog is a great source of inspiration - thank you.

  29. I adore you burlap buckets! And your blog!

  30. Oh my... are you serious?! You really want to give away one of your super cute and ever-so-functional buckets?! Well then... please count me in! This is so exciting!

    Lucky number generator please, pretty please pick me! :)


  31. I would love to win one! Thanks for the chance!

  32. Thank you Maya for offering the give-away! I love your blog and your creations!

  33. Catching up on my favorite blogs. Hope your wee one is doing better. Glad to hear your shop is doing well. Take care in all that snow!

  34. A bucket give-away! Thanks! Randomly generate my number. I could find 38 uses for this.

    l e a h

  35. Your bucket ist wonderful, and your blog too.

    Love your giveaway!

    Greetings from Germany


  36. love it! can you still smell the coffee?

  37. I can think of a million and one uses for your buckets!

  38. Love these new buckets! So cute! I am glad that you are getting the response you deserve!

  39. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE one of these buckets! I would use it on top of my microwave to put my soon-to-be-husbands stuff in!! I am trying to get him as organized as me! :)

  40. If you're comfortable with the ssslliigghhtteesstt possibility that you may have to post the bucket to Singapore, please include me in the giveaway!

    (Thanks so much for your creativity-generous sharings. I've been repeatedly inspired!!!)
    - from a maya*made Singaporean fan :)

  41. Oh! Oh! Pick me! Actually, even if you don't, I still love the blog AND the stuff you're making. Expect me in your Etsy store soon!

  42. That's very generous!
    Your buckets are beautiful!

  43. Sweet IS your style, Maya! I can only imagine how much fun we could have together hanging out in the afternoons...
    You are so generous sharing this. Thanks.

  44. Random number generator pick me!
    Cool sack for my three year olds blocks!

  45. Oh wow - I'd love a bag! They're so beautiful.

  46. I would love to win one of your buckets they are lovely. And so is your blog.

  47. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks without leaving a comment... I think this is the perfect occasion to start! I love buckets, I love your buckets and all your burlap crafting...

  48. Thank you for doing a giveaway! I love your burlap buckets!

  49. I love your buckets and your site. It is one of my favorites. You always have fun creative ideas.

  50. the burlap basket is adorable. please enter me in the contest

  51. I just love all the creativity you share! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  52. I am another one of your blog and craft admirers. Would love to win one of your burlap buckets. Glad to hear of your shop's success.

  53. Love the buckets! It would look perfect in my house! :)

  54. Sew cute! I would LOVE it. Congratulations on your new etsy shop. It is great!

  55. I love the bucket bag. I've been trying to find coffee sacs every since I saw them. . . and am sad they sold so quickly on etsy!

  56. I love these buckets, such a wonderful idea... Thanks for the opportunity to win one! Woo-Hoo!

  57. yay! i love these bags...especially for holding my baby's tiny toys...
    and your blog is such an inspiration. thank you...

  58. I've been drooling over your new coffee sack buckets and pin cushions. I'm thrilled to have a chance to win one. Thanks of the opportunity!

  59. your new store looks great!!!
    thanks for the contest :)

    laura f

  60. Your burlap bags are one of the greatest creations I've seen lately. Love, love, love them!

  61. I can just imagine this at the top of my stairs...catching all of the stuff that needs to go would be perfect!!


  62. I am just drooling over your buckets. Hopefully I can afford one or two real soon!

  63. Like you, I'm a container junkie. I love what you've created with these coffee sacks -- keep up the great work!

  64. what a lovely basket! jessica info(at)funkyfinds(dot)us

  65. Thank you so much for offering these lovely buckets! And for sharing your creativity with the world outside, I really like to drop in each couple of days... Have a good time!

  66. Love the giveaway I love your buckets !!

  67. I love your blog and your giveaway!

  68. I really enjoy your blog and some of your items on etsy are on my wish list for Christmas!

  69. So glad you're finding success with the Etsy shop. It's so much deserved.

    Please do enter me in the drawing for one of your clever buckets.

  70. Your buckets are amazing, so is your blog.

  71. Oh, I would love one of those buckets! Thank you for the giveaway.

  72. I would love to win this beauty.

  73. i love your designs! especially the buckets!!

  74. There are a million and one ways I could think of to use your bucket, so I would really appreciate being entered in the site. Thanks for such an entertaining blog!

  75. Oh go on them I'll enter if you insist :)

  76. buckets are the new black. you heard it here.

  77. I'm so inspired by your enthusiasm and success with the new Etsy shop!

    I love the buckets, so please count me in!

  78. you make such beautiful things...I don't comment often but I check here every day for inspiration! Thanks!

  79. I love your blog.. its one of the ones I check daily. Please enter me in the give-a-way.. i hope i win, i hope i win, i hope i win...

  80. How generous and sweet Maya!! I know whoever the lovely bucket will go to (hopefully me!) will be so delighted! Thank you for giving away this marvelous creation :)

  81. Just discovered your blog recently, and I've been really enjoying it. These buckets are fantastic. Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  82. Count me in! I love 'em

  83. me too!! Love them!

    Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  84. LOVE your baskets!! (and your blog!) thanks for the giveaway, someone is going to be very happy :)

  85. I really neeeeed this bucket to put my daughter's precious little things inside. Your buckets are awesome and I like your recycling idea.

  86. I love those burlap buckets you make and can see them in use for a 100 things. :0)

  87. 91 comments!!!

    you're great....

  88. I love your blog and the buckets! I wish I could get my hands on some coffee sacks!


  89. Love this blog! Your creations are not only original, but wholesome and inspirational!

  90. me, me, me...I would love one! So excited about your new etsy adventures. Best wishes ;)

  91. Thanks for making "life in the cubicle" much more bearable. And for giving me inspiration to be creative with my daughter.

  92. These are so lovely, maya! I love them. I can think of so many uses for these adorable buckets that if I win, I might need to buy a few ore to match!

  93. I'm Miya, but not Maya. Close enough eh? Yay!

  94. Your blog is one of my favorite reads. I especially enjoy the colorful photos.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway.

    lydia.bower @

  95. Number 100! (I think I will be!)

    Love your blog.. been following for some time now. And these burlap sacks, oh, I went right to your etsy shop and made you a favourite!

    Congrats on the response and I hope the little one feels alright!

  96. I look forward to reading your blog every day. And I LOVE your buckets. Congrats on all the success with your Etsy Shop!

  97. i love both the feeling of inspiration and the warmth of connectedness that i get from reading your blog. i am drawn to this burlap bucket for its simplicity and beauty.

    thank you!

  98. I love the little baskets! would love one for my daughter. Thanks for a lovely blog.

  99. How cute is that! I would love to win.

  100. Squee! If you will send it to Canada, I would love to win a gorgeous little bucket. Love the blog, thanks for being awesome.

  101. I love reading your blog, thanks for the chance to win one of your great buckets!

  102. Love your blog! I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Your buckets are awesome.

  103. What a wonderful offer. I love the cute bucket. Thanks!

  104. I love the simple beauty of your blog and handmade goodness. Thanks for the chance to win!

  105. I'm crazy about your blog! Please enter me the fabric bucket giveaway.

    Any chance of selling them locally? Perhaps at Mama Goose?

  106. Yes please! Was going to buy one and then it sold!

  107. I'd love an opportunity to win this! Thanks!

  108. oh random number generator...pls pick me. Maya I soo love ur creations. i swear, i even have u on my blog in the "Daily Read" section. I love ur newest creation!

  109. Wow, I have been eyeing your buckets! I could use, oh, maybe a dozen of them around my house!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  110. I just found your blog while searching for instructions on how to felt some crocheted wool bowls. Your acorns are the perfect little accessory! Also, I love the burlap bags.

  111. I love your buckets and the inspiration they provide. I enjoy looking at your website and salivating over all the fun ideas. Thanks for offering such a unique giveaway. Fingers crossed.

  112. Oh my goodness, these buckets are just gorgeous!! I'd love to win one... and buy one later :) So beautiful!

  113. I love the totes! I am already imagining all the little nooks and places I could use a tote in my house! Hope I win :)

  114. Please enter me in the give-away! I love the little buckets--so cute and useful!

  115. cute little bucket!

  116. That's a very cute bucket. I'll cross my fingers and hope that you draw my number.

  117. Thanks for the give away! Pick me pick me!

  118. Your blog is so creative. I love how now there's an etsy store to go with it!

  119. ooooh I just love those buckets, pick me Random Number Generator, pick meeeee. Becuase of you and your sweet blog, I have fired up my used sewing machine and made a test purse. It feels so good to be creative again, and not just the Mommy doing the daily chores. :) Thanks Maya!

  120. I love your blog and I love the burlap buckets!

  121. Put me in the give away, the buckets are so clean and simple looking, something I'm aiming towards more lately. I have been really enjoying reading your blog especially all the peaks at your desk and the barn. Thank you.

  122. I just found your blog and I love your buckets!!!!!!!!Pick me, please!!!!!

  123. Thanks for the awesome blog that is such an inspiration and I love your buckets. The craftsmanship looks amazing, makes me wish I wasn't such a sloppy seamstress.

  124. Love the buckets & I'm so glad that I found your blog, always like seeing what you are making :-)

  125. I love these buckets that you're making, especially the ones with the handles. They're just so sweet and I would LOVE to take one home. :)

  126. What a beautiful storage solution!

    I saw your pin cushion on the handpicked front page of ETSY yesterday and I was so excited because even though I really don't know you...I felt like I had just seen one of my friends work posted right there in the glory spot!!! Congratulations on your success. You are a beautiful artist and the abundant attention you are getting is well deserved.

  127. I love all the coffee sack stuff you are making. I lived in PNG for 3 years and Kenya for 3 years (2 countries that produce fabulous coffee) and a coffee sack bucket would be so fitting! :)

  128. Your blog is without a doubt one of my most favorites. I check your blog every day to see what you have posted! Thank you so much for thanking your readers with a bucket give away. I would love a chance to win.

  129. I do enjoy your blog posts and creative ideas that you share. Winning one of your buckets would be an unexpected bonus.

  130. I love your blog and I read it every evening from France ... Thank you for your creativity ...

  131. Wow! 138 comments before I've woken up! Well you gotta be in it to win it and I certainly want to win it so I'm in it!! LOL

  132. Oh how fabulous! If I had that bucket, no matter what I put in it I know my kitties would find a way to curl up inside.

  133. This would be soooo great to win! I would definantly fill it with a gift of fresh roasted coffee and send it to my brother! Best of luck to me, huh! Giggle!

  134. Please, please, please. I would love this. I love your site and check it daily! Thanks for the chance.

  135. Haven't had a chance to check out your etsy shop, but can't wait! The bags are beautiful!

  136. OMG....143 posts already! Ack! Well, I adore these buckets as you already know and I can't think of a better giveaway, not at all! YAY!

  137. I love your blog and I'd love to win that cute bucket!

  138. how CUTE is that little bucket! I want to give it a home! :)

  139. Thanks for the opportunity to win a bag!

  140. Those are so cool. I'd love to have one for my prized possessions!

  141. you make very atractive things, great inspiration : )

  142. ooo, my girls have a pile of homeless toys that would love to nest in one of these bags!

    fingers crossed, random number generator!

  143. Oh, heck yeah, I'd love to win a bucket! I *love* those things!! :D

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. My neice Aria would love a burlap bucket for her blocks! How do you find th time to make such wonderful and creative things?

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Holy Comment a roonie!

    I'm so glad for your success.

    Your buckets are gorgeYous.

  148. Your little burlap buckets are adorable. I would love to win one. Thanks for your giveaway!

  149. this would be perfect for baby toys - i love it!

  150. these buckets are all so adorable!

  151. So fun! I wonder if all these people read your blog daily like the rest of us?!

  152. I am comment #162. That in & of itself is AMAZING. That you have so many followers! Rightly so...Your work is beautiful. I've said so before and I'll say it again. It's beautifully done.
    Thanks for having a give away. If my # does not come up just blow some hugs my way and catch the ones I am sending you now! ;-)

    I too have been figuring ETSY out and have got some things in a little store to share. See it on my blog and come visit when you get a minute to come up for air: TextileArtByLynn

  153. I've been admiring all of your coffee sack work, please add me to the list! :)

  154. Maya -
    I love your site and all your crafty projects. I'd love to get that bucket.

  155. Loving all your projects with the coffee sacks. These bucket/bags are great! Thanks (again) for the inspiration!

  156. love, love, love the buckets. i think i have said before how much i love your blog. it is so great that you share all your inspiring works with us all. i hope i win!

  157. maya you have been very productive lately. very nice collection of handmade goods. i always wanted to do more sewing, buy feel timid with my skills. thank you.

  158. Great buckets. I really enjoyed the barn sequences. I have a daughter named Maya so your blog is a favorite for more than just your creativity:)

  159. I love your creations - what a great bucket :)


  160. 170 comments already????? And it is just Tuesday night. WOW!

  161. love your blog, ALL your "stuff" and these buckets!!!

  162. I would love a chance to win your gift your offering. I check your blog every day, it has become a favorite of mine. ;)

  163. Yipee!! I do so look forward to your blog updates, I've enjoyed every one of your recipes that I've tried, and you are quite inspirational.

    Dear Random Number Generator: Pick me! Please.

  164. so many comments..

    shows how amazing your stuff is,

  165. I'm already thinking of where to use it - oh please pick me! They are wonderful and you are a clever lady.

  166. Hooo, I just discovered your blog through Monsieur Minouchet (awesome blog and shop, should check it out!) and i just love your buckets, so simple and pretty and useful,...
    So... random number generator, find me! ;-)

    Love your words and work, keep on!!


  167. Your bags/buckets are soooo cute! I totally want one... or actually like 5 or 6!!! Plus, I LOVE your blog! It is one of my favorites!!!

  168. Thanks for coming by again...I hope your little one is better soon. Hugs.
    I wasn't sure what it was you may have misunderstood...(about loading ETSY maybe?) good luck with that too.

  169. I'm dyinng to get my hands on one of these buckets... They are so wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck everbody!

  170. i'm so excited for this giveaway! i love reading your blog and seeing all your creations, and these buckets are adorable. thanks maya!

  171. Would love to win! I just saw a bunch of coffee sacks a couple of days before your post about them, and thought they looked cool, but I had no use for them. Thanks!

  172. love it! would get lots of use in our casa :)

  173. Yours is the first blog I started following. Thanks for the wondrous introduction to a fantastic world. I love your stuff and love the buckets!

  174. Don't drink coffee but totally love these bags. Great blog!

  175. ooh, i love these buckets so much, they would go so beautifully in my house :)

  176. Well, wasn't this a lucky stumble. To find a great blog and a give-away to boot. Random blog surfing doesn't get much better than that. Please put my number in the hat. And count on me as a repeat visitor.

  177. I check your blog create such beautiful things!! Please enter me in your giveaway, thanks!

  178. Love your blog and love this burlap basket .
    Good luck everyone!

  179. Would love it! Would be great for toys around here.

  180. Oh I love that bucket! Throw my hat in the ring please!

  181. I like your blog. And your bucket too.

  182. I am a long time follower and popped over to tell you I have given you an award, just pop over to my blog to recieve it :) While I am here I am happy to enter the give-away.

    xx Bee

  183. your use of burlap lately has inspired me to do more with burlap in ways that will highlight it, rather than hiding it beneath hooked rugs and the like. thanks for the inspiration - and the give away. love it.

  184. Oh my goodness that was a long way to scroll down to comment!

    I just love your burlap bags - I'd love to have one of my own!

    Two Cheese Please

  185. :-)

    Great blog, great projects, great bucket :-)

    Please pick me :-D

  186. I love your blog, I have to read it everyday I love it so much:)
    please enter me in your contest, I adore your burlap buckets:)
    hope your little one is feeling better:)

  187. I would love one of your lovely buckets. Thanks so much.
