
Friday, August 15, 2008

picnik fun

Last night I had a date with a very exciting photo editing site called picnik.
Thanks to my blogging friend over at Bricolagelife and her picnik post, my interest was peaked and I reserved an hour for previewing it. It changed my life...well that might be a bit changed how I look at my relationship with my photos and my blog...which seems to be a big part of my life these days. Sharing beautiful pictures of what I'm up to is almost as important to me as what I'm making...they go hand in hand.

I'm an amateur photographer, and not very technically savvy so any help I can get I'll take. My new banner project was motivated by my inability to type text the way I wanted to on a photo.

Pretty pathetic, I know, but good things came out of the challenge: I do like my newspaper bunting banner...sounds like you do too! But now I have some options for future banners and anything else that troubles me. For instance, good lighting is essential for a nice picture. I prefer outdoors and in the morning or late afternoon for all of my photo shoots. This is a bit limiting and will get to be more of a bother when the snow begins to fall. Picnik will allow me to enhance the shots that might not be just right...sharpness...better exposure, etc...

I'm still a purest , and you will continue to see my images straight up with maybe a crop here are there...but every once in a while you might see something wild and crazy and you'll know I was having fun late into the night. The banners I've included today are some very simple things I worked on directly from my Flikr photostream (they're linked together). The possibilities are's fun and FREE...go check it out! Hope you have a great weekend...I have some wonderful posts I'm excited about for next week, see you then!


  1. So much goodness here, I don't know where to start! Goldie's my fave, but they are all wonderful. You could have a new banner every day! Whee!

  2. I was playing with picnik for the first time last night, too! It's so much fun to play around with photos.

    By the way, love your banners. The parasols are just gorgeous!

  3. Today is definately not my day for getting anthing done! Off to play with pictures...

  4. I just checked out picnik again, after not having done so for a while, and there's so much more than I ever realized! So, should I blame you or bricolagelife for this new addiction?

  5. I have heard of picnik before but never tried it until just now... thanks for the new addiction maya:) It was soooo much fun to play with.
    Love your new banners too!

  6. I checked it out some time ago (picnik, I mean) and liked it. But I am a Photoshop fan, I always come back to it. Almost daily I do something there. I guess picnik has the advantage of letting you do things without having to perform lots of steps on the way. I will have to look closer there.
    I love the parasols (maybe the text could be in a lighter color, just a bit) and the stone matrioshkas banners. But I am in love also with the newspaper garland current one.

  7. I just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog. I have been reading it for the past 2 hours. I kept thinking I would be able to stop but with every post I saw something I wanted to make... especially for my little girl. I am just so inspired. I mean... wow. So inspired. Thank you. I will forever be a loyal fan. Keep up the awesome work.

    If only I lived closer to you... I think we would be friends.

  8. hey maya! so glad to see you are having fun with picnik! i love what you are doing with it... and thanks for the link :)


  9. Picnik is one of my largest addictions...I love what you have come up with here.

  10. Hi Maya! I found your blog just the other day and have really enjoyed reading through it. I love your mom's beautiful barn. It looks soothing and yet full of creative potential all at the same time.

    I'm looking forward to reading more about your creative adventures.
