
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

100th post celebration and give-away!

How did it happen so fast? My 100th post came and went earlier this week. I almost let it slip by unnoticed, but it feels too significant not to celebrate it with you. In recognition of the many new friends I've gotten to know through maya*made and all of your wonderful support over the last six months, I'd like to thank you with a little give-away. If you leave a comment on this post before Saturday August 2nd, I will put your name into a random drawing for a maya*made mystery box...a little assortment of hand-made and vintage surprises! The winner will be announced on Monday, August 4th.

I'm off to a big family reunion tomorrow and hope you all have a great rest of the week. I'll leave you with my favorite celebratory summer drink: a maya*made twist on a mojito...a mayita! This is a very flexible and forgiving blender drink...experiment with proportions that feel right to you.
-freshly frozen fruit (peaches or strawberries in season are my favorite)
-handful of fresh mint leaves
-juice of one lime
-generous splash of seltzer
-simple syrup to taste

Add a shot of rum for any grown-ups in the mood!


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post! I can't wait to see what's in store for the next 100 or so!

  2. I just stumbled on your site...I love it!! Keep up the creativity!

  3. i'm just finding you from crafty the rock dolls. AND the newspaper hats! we'll have to give that one a try.

    anyway...cheers to 100 posts!!

  4. Congratulations! I always look forward to reading. Your creativity is inspiring.

  5. Hi new friend! The giveaway sounds exciting and I'm so glad to have "met" you. Congratulations.

  6. Congratulations! Have you really only been blogging for 6 months? You seem like a "professional" ;) here's to many more of your wonderful posts.

  7. Happy 100th Post...and best wishes for hundreds more! I just discovered your blog three posts ago, so I have some catching up to do...but that should be a very pleasant task.
    Blessings from rural Florida, Jandi

  8. Happy 100th Post...and best wishes for hundreds more! I discovered your blog just three posts ago, so I have some catching up to do...but I can't think of a more pleasant task.

  9. oh wow-100 post -how fast does time go by- your world is divine....

  10. 100! A big congrats!! A Mayita!! Love it, now I need to try it...It must be 5:00 somewhere??!

    Love your site!

  11. congratulations on your 100th post! i have recently stumbled across your blog and i am in love! thank you so much for the inspiration! i look forward to reading more and i will totally be trying your mayita!


  12. that sounds SO good! I've enjoyed your blog over these 6 months! Happy 100th post!

  13. yeah- we love you! Ilove yr blog- I am adding you to my roll today and have told many friends about you- here is to another 100 posts!

  14. Times run fast indeed. I should check how many posts I made, I have no idea! Maybe it´s time for me for a giveaway too.
    Congratulations, Maya! I'll be having a Mayita in yout honour.

  15. Congrats on the big 100! Have been enjoying your barn tour. You and your mom should be so proud! Keep it up!

  16. Yay, congratulations!
    I found you recently through design*sponge & am loving all the stories/photos about the renovation of your mom's barn-home. I especially love the consideration for it's history & useful creations from household odds & ends.
    It makes me want to plant a meadow & drink lemonade out of mason jars, so thanks!

  17. I am enthralled with your blog and would love to be entered in your contest!
    Congrats on the 100 posts!

  18. How mysterious and exciting-handmade and vintage surprises. Congrats on your 100th post! I started my own blogging aventure 2 weeks ago and am enjoying the adventure. Have a great time with your family. And thanks for the recipe-I'll have to try that.

  19. Congratulations! I read a lot of great blogs, but yours is one of my newer finds and has quickly risen to my "must-check daily" list, an honor indeed.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful simplicity of things in your life!

  20. Congrats on your 100th post! It's been a pleasure reading your posts... very inspiring!

  21. Way to go on the 100 postings. They have been lovely.

  22. Hearty congratulations! I recently found your blog via design*sponge and have enjoyed reading it.

    Must say I'd be hard pressed to remember a time I *wasn't* in the mood for a shot of rum--esp. at a family function.

    Enjoy the reunion ;-)

  23. congratulations, you take fantastic pictures and I love how you have shared your life on this blog.

  24. Enjoy your mother's wildflower meadow each time I drive by. Keep up the inspiring work.

  25. Congratulations and best wishes for the next 100, and more!

  26. i remember celebrating "100 Days of School" back in the day. why shouldn't one celebrate the 100th posting? i discovered your blog through a friend and so enjoy it.

  27. Happy 100! I love reading your blog.
    Your drink looks yummy!

  28. Congratulations on the 100th post -- and thank you. Thanks also for the mayita recipe!

  29. Congratulations on your 100th post--I love celebrating big milestones, and what better way than with a little cocktail :) I do so enjoy your blog, and look forward to the next so many posts!

  30. Happy 100! Thanks for sharing so much with us, it's been wonderful.

  31. congratulations on reaching 100 posts. Yours is a really beautiful blog with some fantastic pictures. kepp up the good work and good luck on your next 100 blog posts!

  32. happy 100th post! love your blog!

  33. 100 posts- how exciting! I found you through your entry in the Design*Sponge DIY contest and have been coming back ever since! Keep up the craftiness!

  34. delurking! my youngest daughter is maya and my oldest is zoe luna! i just noticed your post is signed maya luna. too cool!

  35. Happy 100th post!! That drink sounds yummy!!

  36. i began reading your site only a few days ago, but i have visited every day since. thanks for the lovely photos and such. congratulations on your 100th post.

  37. Congrats on the 100th post! :) I can't tell you enough how much I love your blog!!

  38. I just found your adorable website from a link by Cassi at the Crafty Crow. You have a beautiful family! I love all your colorful pictures. :)


  39. I just came here from the Crafty Crow! What a great blog. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the newspaper party hats! I have a few (3) daughters and they are going to just love creating these hats!

  40. Congrats on the 100th blog post.

    Thanks for the opp to win something fun.

    I have bookmarked your blog b/c it's fun & I am a total blog ho!

  41. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm off to drink a Mayita!

    Alexis from

  42. congrats! i found you through crafty crow.

  43. Wonderful! Congrats! Just started blogging myself. My daughter got me started. Will link to your site. Here's to the next 100 posts

  44. happy 100th post! i love what you're doing here and look forward to more... and thanks for the recipe!

  45. Congratulations on this birthday for your wonderful blog!

  46. I just love your blog! Congrats on 100 posts! :)

  47. Hey there.........congratulations, my friend. I've enjoyed reading your posts and am looking forward to the next ones to come. jan

  48. Here's to a job well done! And I like the drink name - "Mayita".

  49. WOW!!!!! Thank you all so very much! The winner will be announced Monday midday.

  50. Wonderful! Congratulations!
