
Sunday, June 8, 2008

vintage rescue

In 1947 my grandparents built their home with a beautiful nursery school attached to it. They lovingly ran the Huntington Cooperative Nursery School for over fifty years. I was born there and spent every summer of my childhood in that magical paradise. Imagine having a huge, beautifully equipped nursery school for your child... all to reign as prince or princess. My grandmother graduated from Bank Street College of Education and knew exactly what materials were best for three and four year olds. Being the nostalgic woman that I am...I remember each and every toy I lovingly played with. Unfortunately, when my grandparents retired, they sold the nursery school fully that it could continue to run as it always had. One of the original dump trucks is all that remains. I've been grieving for some of these lost pieces of childhood to share with my children...and my mother has saved the day! She has started to rescue some of these worn, but still wonderful Community Playthings people on ebay. They arrived in a little box on Saturday. I remember them so well...I would build villages and cities out of blocks for them. I've been a bit teary-eyed seeing these old friends and introducing my kids to them!


  1. Wow, maya, what powerful associations those little wooden people evoke! Your post has gotten me thinking all morning about the fantasy life of children and the toys that carry their fantasies, about how we lose that sense of play, and about regaining that innocence. You've captured the reason why I value vintage items--the associations they evoke from my childhood, about my grandparents, about being free and happy and full of dreams. Thank you; you never fail to inspire!

  2. Lucky you! Oh how I would love these for my sweet B. Thanks for sharing the memories!

  3. It is so nice to have a few things around that remind us of our roots, isn't it? We NEED these things in our lives so we don't forget how important those moments were to us, and so that we can share them with our children.
