
Thursday, June 26, 2008

lots to share

There are so many things I want to share with you...some deserve a whole post, but time is short these days, so here it goes:
I'm loving:
1. My mother's shed... the best darn garage sale I've ever been to!'s adjacent to her barn...more soon, thanks for your kind patience. All of the wonderful responses let me know how excited you are for me...2. Flowers everywhere...buckets, beds, vases, containers of all kinds!
3. Little red shoes! These have been, feet down, the best children's shoes we've ever experienced. see kai run is a small, family-owned children's shoe company based out of Washington. They have an amazing selection of unique styles for boy/girls/unisex and are as soft as butter. If you're in Ithaca...just stop by Mama Goose to check them out.

4.My mother's latest vintage puzzle piece collage...where will it go?

5.This stunning doorway in a nearby village...

6. Local artist,Fernando Llosa. I'm a long time admirer of his Stone Poems...he creates with raw materials found locally and used to live right next door to the barn. Amazing, isn't he?

7. Our baby cucumber plants...I can't wait!!

8. Nina didn't I know about her? Nina is a young Dutch student/designer/artist/creator of anything and everything..including an incredible blog...check out her flikr photostream, too...I can't get enough! If you don't recognize her name...I urge you to visit prepared to get lost...

9. The chairs I've been looking for, found by the side of the road...yesterday...2 for $30!

10.Ice necklaces for a hot summer day! Tutorial coming soon...


  1. I can't wait to see all of this. I am in awe of your mother's barn...amazing transformation. It should be in a magazine. (Country home) would be a perfect one.

  2. Lots of bloggy goodness to check out. Thanks for all the links!

  3. I would have to choose...
    -the shoes, the shoes, the shoes!
    -the shed, the shed, the shed!
    -the necklace, the necklace, the necklace!
