
Thursday, May 8, 2008

thanks sfgirlbybay!

I check out the inspiring blog sfgirlbybay just about everyday...for her lovely perspective and a taste of my hometown ( I grew up in San Francisco...the Mission and Noe Valley). Somehow, I missed yesterday...what a day! I noticed my Flikr photostream going crazy over my picture of buckets of grass and figured something exciting was happening. Needless to say, Victoria (sfgirlbybay) had discovered it on one of my favorite Flikr groups, Corners Of My Home, and featured it on her blog! Hurray and thank you! I was just getting ready to take a picture of how lush the grass has grown, alas it's a rainy Spring day (and I need that "sun streaming in" effect!)....stay tuned for a bucket up-date and tutorial tomorrow!


  1. Well-deserved recognition! You are quite the photographer, and those buckets of grass make me feel so happy and spring-y! Did you say they'll be displayed in the store?

  2. Yup, off to Mama Goose they will go! Funny thing...Kelly called this morning to ask if they could come down for the window unveiling! They will leave my sun room tomorrow, and be missed by all of us! Such humble buckets...for so much public attention!
