
Thursday, May 29, 2008

look what's in the garden!

Did a little spring cleaning and took a few bags off to Salvation Army. I knew I only had 15 minutes and probably shouldn't poke around, but it's hard to resist looking for old linens. In five minutes flat I felt quite satisfied, and am very proud of myself for calling it a day.
-shabby chic nightstand (green!)
-2 pale blue pillow cases with lovely little details (girl's cropped pants for summer...maybe!)
-vintage flat sheet...very soft with a nice weight to it (Mommy and daughter skirts!)

When I took it all out of my car this evening , the light was opportunity! I ran in for my camera and spotted the vintage clock from a recent garage sale...bedroom in the garden!


  1. I haven't thrifted anywhere all year, and seeing this makes me want to run out in my pjs right now to go treasure hunting!!!

  2. Shannah,
    You're not going to believe what we were doing as you were commenting!
    My neighbor called to say there was a sale right up the road...we ran out in our pajamas!! I kid you not! No treasures, except the memory...we've never done that before!LOL
