
Saturday, May 10, 2008

delicious dandelions

Last night at dinner, my family and I realized that I had caught the wild spreading disease of "blogaphoria", where bits of life start being shaped by posting opportunities. The biggest symptom might sound familiar to some of you. I find my camera to be one of my best friends and have started to shoot EVERYTHING, because the I love having a venue for sharing. Thinking back on my life, I keep kicking myself at all the perfect "posts" I could have been doing. Ha ha. Here's what inspired that revelation...

It's dandelion season! Every year when millions of Americans are bemoaning their perfect lawns being littered with yellow weeds (and dumping tons of pesticides into the earth), my family and I celebrate the beginning of "picking our dinner". Our meadow becomes our garden and we go out and harvest the edible greens of this lovely golden flower. Common, everyday little dandelions have green leaves that pack an incredible nutritious punch...very rich in iron.

Even the tender new leaves can be a bit bitter, but I've come up with a secret ingredient that has my littlest asking for seconds. I saute them with olive oil, fresh garlic and tamari until they have wilted and aren't too chewy...then I add some magic, a little maple syrup. Sweet, salty and garlicky seem to work well for my family. We prepare kale and other greens this way too. Here's to backyard greens!


  1. What a great story, and some great photos too! I've been bemoaning all the dandelions in my yard (on my blog), and my cousin recommended I check out your posting. I'll have to try out your recipe now... :)

  2. Wonderful picture, and I totally know that posting opportunity feeling LOL
