
Monday, May 12, 2008

artful organization

I'm obsessed with getting organized...primarily, because I never seem to stay that way for long. When I find something that really works, I know it's worth sharing. I have two children and a very creative house...this means a lot of craft supplies and many lovely things to display. Creating a system that could rotate art and be accessible to everyone was key. Introducing... "gallery clip boards". I'm a big fan of traditional pegboard because it's so darn drilling involved. They come in easy to manage 2x4 ft. sheets at Lowes. Simply painted in a favorite color and adorned with bulldog clips and an elastic band, this has been a lasting solution to the paper madness. Both the clips and bands are attached with a screw, nut and washer. My older child can rotate his art, my youngest can't pull it down. My little one has so many treasures and folded paper pieces; she loves tucking them into the elastic strap all by herself and surprising me. I've also put two magnetic boards beneath for her to manage and update with her tiny creations. Here's a little corner of the children's studio right off the main room of our home. We all find it very inviting and orderly.

In addition, these giant clipboards can be customized for any room in the house. Unlike a traditional cork board, papers stay in their zone, rather than all over the place. Add more clips or bands depending on your needs.
- mudroom: a family communication wall
- art studio: a new kind of inspiration board
- kitchen: smaller one for meal planning
- home office: a clip designated for each project/task/day of the week

If you've been reading along, you've heard me mention Mama Goose, the expanding children's resale shop I'm doing design consultation for. In retail, finding unique ways to organize and display merchandise is key. We will be using the "clipboards" to hang packaged toys neatly and uniformly and a board of straps for corralling softies. For more info about Mama Gooses' move (or to learn about my role in all of it), check out the new blog dedicated to their expansion project by clicking here.


  1. OK, I have to try this! Our memo board is not working at all, and the papers have gotten way out of hand. I love the idea of painting the pegboard, too! Another hip and useful organizational tool from maya*made!

  2. Thanks Doodlebug. I promise this is the last thing I paint stem green!

  3. Oh, I really like this. Especially for my studio for tear sheets! And I love the green!

  4. No WAY! I found this blog post from another blog I visit and ahhh! I know Mama Goose very well!!

    I can't believe I've found a local blogger!!

    How cool is THAT?


  5. Heather, the likelihood of stumbling upon a fellow local blogger in our little town is pretty slim! I'm thrilled. Mama Goose is looking great...almost there!

  6. to bridgmanpottery:
    so glad you were inspired by this idea...I love thinking about it going into an adult studio!

  7. I love love love this wall!! My son is getting old enough that he's starting to want to color and paint and I have NO WHERE to display it!! This is exactly what I have been looking for!!

    Next stop...Lowe's!!
    Thanks for the fabulous inspiration!

  8. For Kids and Adults , I should try this, too!! Thank you for all the pictures so I can have lots of inspiration!

  9. Great idea. I also liked the pillowcase dress page. I recently tried that. I am NOT a sewer, but they looked gorgeous. This idea is my next attempt at one of your great ideas. Thanks.
