
Saturday, April 5, 2008

new friendship

Isn't it wonderful when you meet someone you feel you've known forever! Three months ago Pat and I met in the sweater aisle at our local Salvation Army. We were both vying for the same great colors and 100% wool. In five minutes we discovered our mutual obsession with felting, creative re-using, and that we had children the same age. Of course, we exchanged numbers and talked about crafting and hanging out in the future. Little slips of paper with e-mail addresses can easily disappear into a black hole, but not with Pat. She reached out and we started e-mailing...every night! There was so much to share, because we were both discovering the rich world of design, art and crafting that exists on-line. It's so much fun to be able to share it with someone who is just as delighted with this process as I am. When embarking on a new course in life, everyone should be so lucky to have a "Pat"! I know I can count on her to inspire me with a new site or blog several times a week (and sometimes, when we are both really manic, several times a day). Pat gave me the confidence to start this blog, and then invited me over to show me the ropes on her computer. In fact, that meeting was the first time we were face to face again, since our Salvation Army discovery...months prior.

Pat was at the Gallery opening last night and gifted me with these incredible presents:

The cupcake pincushion was my prize for winning Pat's first online contest at her wonderful blog Zen Crafter. I have been wanting to make one of these Betz White inspirations and am so glad I can now just own it and love it. Pat also made such a sweet and totally personal stationery set for me. Why? Because she's as thoughtful, as she is creative. Check out her blog at Zen Crafter to read the details about how she created this one-of-a-kind stationery in a magnetic tin. Pat's blog is really a pleasure to read...she is a professional writer and it shows! Her tutorials on crafting with children are so engaging that I'm ready to try each one.

What would we do with out dear friends...I'm so grateful.

1 comment:

  1. M--I am speechless! Suffice to say, your friendship and creative inspiration mean so much to me.
